Canine Lana is a retired detection canine from the Laredo Sheriff’s Department and the United States Customs. She worked for U.S. Customs from September of 2006 until May of 2011. She retired due to hip dysplasia but was able to work for Laredo Sheriff’s Department in the Webb County Jail. She continued to work until her second retirement in December of 2013. What a great career she had. Read More


I would like to introduce retired United States Border Patrol detection canine Pete!!

Canine Pete served the USBP from July 29, 2010 through May 18, 2018.

Canine Pete started his service in the San Diego Sector and completed his service in Yuma Sector. He was an incredible working dog and great partner to his handler. Read More


I’d like to introduce retired Patrol/Detection/Tracking canine, Diesel from the Boise Police Department. K9 Diesel worked for the Boise PD from September 1, 2011 until February 1, 2017, where he was deployed thousands of times for his specialized skills. He had to retire due to medical issues after a great career. Read More


Remco is a retired Search & Rescue as well as track and trailing canine from the United States Border Patrol’s elite search and rescue unit BORSTAR!! Read More



Retired Paws is happy to assist retired detection canine Mari from the United States Border Patrol.

K9 Mari served from May of 2010 until her retirement in November of 2017. She was an incredible working canine and partner. She received two TOP DOG awards for outstanding seizures in her stellar career.Read More


Arlett-D was a retired detection canine from the United States Border Patrol. She worked in Texas from December of 2009 until June of 2015 when she was medically retired after suffering from a stroke. This did not prevent her from enjoying life however. Unfortunately, in May of 2017, Arlett developed a liver infection and crossed the rainbow bridge. Retired Paws is always saddened to hear this type of news, but is glad we could assist in her time of need.Read More


Lucky-A is a retired detection canine from the United States Border Patrol. Lucky proudly worked in the Tucson Sector from April of 2010 until December of 2016.

While Lucky was in service, he was known for being a fantastic tracking canine and was responsible for thousands of pounds of narcotics being taken off the streets. He was a loyal companion and friend to his handler.Read More


Barry is a retired detection canine from U.S. Customs. He worked at the Port of Champlain in New York from October of 2006 until September of 2013. During his very successful career, Barry was responsible for seizing tens of millions of dollars worth of narcotics, and he was the first canine on the northern border to find two humans being smuggled on a boat!Read More


Ruger was a retired patrol canine from the United States Border Patrol. On February 17, 2017, Ruger was laid peacefully to rest surrounded by friends and family.

Ruger was definitely a unique canine with a great personality. He was an incredible working dog, partner, and friend to his handler.Read More


Shari is a retired patrol canine from the United States Border Patrol. Shari worked with the Tucson Sector Border Patrol Tactical Unit from June of 2013 until October of 2016 and was the first female patrol canine in the USBP!!

She assisted in 225 human apprehensions, nearly 8,000 pounds of marijuana being seized, and 11 physical apprehensions. She is a “badass!”Read More

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